the transition
Another attempt to resume blogging, hope it isnt a valiant one this time
Its been almost a week since the exams have ended.Though this time the period following their end it wasnt all fun and frolic. The exams itself were a real pain, something they always are butthis time I admit it was the most gruelling fortnight I've been through. Not that I pushed myself by studying for 12 hrs a day, thats not in my capcacity. But psychologically it was really challenging as I had gone into the exams with very poor preparation.
Anyways as soon as I got over with them another hurdle was in front of me, waiting to test my ability and judgement. I was yet again confronted with the question of wether I wanted to change my stream or not.
I was inclined to make the change since the last couse I had done in EE had tested my resilience like none before. For the very first time an exam had brought me to tears and I admit I cried a couple of times in the couple of days leading to it as I really feared my grade in the course. This was partly beacuse of my lack of preparation and rest was due to the relative grading.The 'maggus', people whose sole purpose of existence here is getting the best grades had skewed the distribution in the midsems and were bound to repeat it yet again.
I have nothing against them, maybe thats what they enjoy doing.I do not want to shy away from the competiton but I am finding it difficult as our academic system is catering to the needs and style of the maggus like never before.The exams are a real mockery or triviality I should say.Questions are handpicked from the assignments and the prescribed textbooks.This is not expected of the best technological institute in the country. I believe they should devise better methods to put to test the best brains in the nation.
In almost all the courses I have done here I have observed success was proportional to the number of hours you put in rather than your understanding, now this puts me on a serious disadvantage.
After a few hours of discussions I came to the conclusion that I should opt for it as the system in place in the EE dept caters to the maggus much more than the one in the CSE dept and the courses in CSE are more enjoyable and interesting.
As I had no special liking or interest in EE I went ahead and just hope god helps me get across this time around.
But I sinscerely regret leaving my friends, almost all of whom are in EE. Guys I'm sorry and I will always miss sharing the classroom with you, together testing the patience of the instructor, the JOEY dance, the ai-hai's and everything else...........
Its been almost a week since the exams have ended.Though this time the period following their end it wasnt all fun and frolic. The exams itself were a real pain, something they always are butthis time I admit it was the most gruelling fortnight I've been through. Not that I pushed myself by studying for 12 hrs a day, thats not in my capcacity. But psychologically it was really challenging as I had gone into the exams with very poor preparation.
Anyways as soon as I got over with them another hurdle was in front of me, waiting to test my ability and judgement. I was yet again confronted with the question of wether I wanted to change my stream or not.
I was inclined to make the change since the last couse I had done in EE had tested my resilience like none before. For the very first time an exam had brought me to tears and I admit I cried a couple of times in the couple of days leading to it as I really feared my grade in the course. This was partly beacuse of my lack of preparation and rest was due to the relative grading.The 'maggus', people whose sole purpose of existence here is getting the best grades had skewed the distribution in the midsems and were bound to repeat it yet again.
I have nothing against them, maybe thats what they enjoy doing.I do not want to shy away from the competiton but I am finding it difficult as our academic system is catering to the needs and style of the maggus like never before.The exams are a real mockery or triviality I should say.Questions are handpicked from the assignments and the prescribed textbooks.This is not expected of the best technological institute in the country. I believe they should devise better methods to put to test the best brains in the nation.
In almost all the courses I have done here I have observed success was proportional to the number of hours you put in rather than your understanding, now this puts me on a serious disadvantage.
After a few hours of discussions I came to the conclusion that I should opt for it as the system in place in the EE dept caters to the maggus much more than the one in the CSE dept and the courses in CSE are more enjoyable and interesting.
As I had no special liking or interest in EE I went ahead and just hope god helps me get across this time around.
But I sinscerely regret leaving my friends, almost all of whom are in EE. Guys I'm sorry and I will always miss sharing the classroom with you, together testing the patience of the instructor, the JOEY dance, the ai-hai's and everything else...........
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